PASSPORT Knowledge Base

Date Published: July 25, 2008


Assigning a Macro to a Key



Emulation Types

TN3270, TN5250, VT, SCO ANSI, Wyse 60


Users may want to assign a previously recorded macro to a particular keystroke for quick access.


Follow the steps below to assign a macro to a keystroke:

For PASSPORT PC to Host:

  1. Choose the Options®Keyboard menu command.
  2. Click the Customize button.
  3. Highlight the key you wish to assign the macro to.
  4. Choose the appropriate radio button for Define Function or Assignment:

  5. Click the Edit button.
  6. Choose Macro from the list of Action Categories:

  7. Select the appropriate macro from the list or click the Browse button to browse and select the macro.
  8. Click OK twice.
  9. Type a name for your custom keyboard map or choose from an existing one.
  10. Click OK to save.

For PASSPORT Web to Host Client:

  1. Choose the Options®Keyboard menu command.
  2. Click the Customize button.
  3. Highlight the key you wish to assign the macro to.
  4. Choose the appropriate radio button for Define Function or Assignment:

  5. Click the Edit button.
  6. Choose Macro from the list of Action Categories.
  7. Select System to assign a macro stored on the server or Local to assign a macro stored on the local PC.
  8. Select the appropriate macro from the list or click the ellipses (...) button to browse and select a local macro:

  9. Click OK three times to save.

PASSPORT Web to Host Administrator:

  1. Start the Web to Host Administrator application.
  2. Click the plus sign to the left of the appropriate emulation type to expand (i.e. 3270 Display).
  3. Click Keyboards.
  4. Double-click an existing keyboard map or right-click Keyboards and choose New to create a new one.
  5. Highlight the key you wish to assign the macro to.
  6. Choose the appropriate radio button for Define Function or Assignment:

  7. Click the Edit button.
  8. Choose Macro from the list of Action Categories.
  9. Select the appropriate macro from the list (System macros only):

  10. Click OK twice to save.
  11. Open the session profile you wish to assign this custom keyboard map to and choose the Options tab.
  12. Select the keyboard map from above and click OK to save.

More Information


keyboard, macro, key