PASSPORT Knowledge Base

Date Published: August 5, 2008


Selecting Text with Shift-Arrow Keys



Emulation Types

TN3270, TN5250, VT, SCO ANSI, Wyse 60


The Shift-Left, Shift-Right, Shift-Up and Shift-Down key combinations do not allow selecting an area of the screen text.


In order for these keystrokes to work correctly they must be mapped to the appropriate host keys as follows:

To map the above follow the steps below:

For PASSPORT PC to Host:

  1. Start and connect a PASSPORT session.
  2. Choose the Options®Keyboard menu command.
  3. Click the Customize button:

  4. Select the appropriate arrow key on the keyboard map.
  5. Make sure Shift is selected and click the Edit button:

  6. Choose the Host Key Category then choose the appropriate SELECT from the list of Host Keys:

  7. Click OK twice.
  8. Type a new keyboard map name or select an existing one from the list then click Save.
  9. Click OK to save.

For PASSPORT Web to Host Client:

Instructions are the same as those for PASSPORT PC to Host.

For PASSPORT Web to Host Administrator:

  1. Start the PASSPORT Web to Host Administrator application.
  2. Select the Keyboard section for the appropriate emulation type.
  3. Open an existing or create a new Keyboard map by right-clicking and choosing New.
  4. Select the appropriate arrow key on the keyboard map.
  5. Make sure Shift is selected and click the Edit button:

  6. Choose the Host Key Category then select the appropriate SELECT from the list of Host Keys:

  7. Click OK twice to save.
  8. Open the session profile.
  9. Select the Options tab.
  10. Make sure the keyboard map configured above is highlighted then click OK to save or Connect to test.

More Information


keyboard, key, arrow, shift, select, highlight