PASSPORT Knowledge Base

Date Published: March 25, 2008
Date Updated: April 29, 2009


Enabling SSL/TLS Client Authentication



Emulation Types

TN3270, TN5250


How do I configure PASSPORT to use SSL/TLS Security with Client Authentication?


To enable Client Authentication For PASSPORT PC to Host:

SSL/TLS security is available for TN3270 and TN5250 sessions. To enable SSL Client Authentication for a new session in PASSPORT PC to Host version 2007-914 or higher, enable the check box on the Security screen of the New Session Wizard:




To add SSL Client Authentication to an existing session:

  1. Disconnect from the session
  2. Select Setup from the Communication Menu
  3. Select the Security tab
  4. Enable the checkbox next to Enable Client Authentication. In order to use your own SSL client certificate, it must first be added to the Microsoft Windows Certificate Store:

    - The client certificate always contains the public and private key in one file usually with the file extension .PFX or .P12.

    - When you import the certificate to the Windows certificates store, usually you will be prompted to enter the password for the private key associated with the certificate.
  5. Select the certificate to use

For PASSPORT Web to Host:

From the Administrator:

  1. Create a new or open an existing session profile.
  2. On the Security tab, enable the check box for SSL/TLS Security:

  3. Enable the checkbox next to Enable Client Authentication. In order to use your own SSL client certificate, it must first be added to the Microsoft Windows Certificate Store.
  4. Enter the certificate to use. You must make sure that the name you entered matches exactly to the client certificate's Common Name on the client machine:

More Information


SSL, TLS, security, secure, client, authentication