PASSPORT Knowledge Base
Connection Issues

Date Published: May 1, 1999
Date Updated: February 20, 2008


Response Time Monitoring



Emulation Types



Does PASSPORT support Response Time Monitoring (RTM) and how is it configured?


Yes, PASSPORT supports Response Time Monitoring (RTM). However, the TN3270E server must also support Response Time Monitoring in order for mainframe applications to be able to gather the RTM data.


The IETF draft RFC 2562 "Definitions of Protocol and Managed Objects for TN3270E Response Time Collection Using SMIv2" specifies how TN3270E servers should implement response time monitoring. It is the function of the TN3270E server to translate SNA RTM commands into TN3270E commands that are then sent to the TN3270E clients.


The IETF standard 2355 "TN3270 Enhancements" describes the functions that TN3270E clients must implement for response time monitoring. These TN3270E commands include RESPONSES, Timing Mark and NOP commands. PASSPORT implements all of these commands. The only two TN3270E servers that we know of that implement RTM are the Cisco TN3270 server for CIP and the IBM NWAYS 2216 Router (which is in the process of being discontinued by IBM). It is not known if the OS/390 TN3270E server supports RTM at this time.

Cisco TN3270 Server for CIP and PASSPORT Configuration Notes:

Cisco Configuration:

The RTM feature is in the 12.0(5)T IOS release and the 11.2(18) BC IOS of the Cisco TN3270 server for CIP. You must have these versions of the microcode installed, or else RTM will not work.


For PASSPORT PC to Host:

In the Connection tab of the Communication®Setup property page, check the "Enable TN3270E Responses" check box.


For PASSPORT Web to Host:

In the Connection tab of the Session Profile property page, check the "TN3270E Response Support" check box.

More Information


response time monitoring, rtm, cisco, cip, microcode