PASSPORT Knowledge Base

Date Published: April 13, 2010


Macro to Save User ID and Password to Registry



Emulation Types

TN3270, TN5250, VT, SCO ANSI, Wyse 60


How can I write a macro to prompt users for their credentials, save this information to the registry, then read these saved values from the registry during subsequent connections to the host?


Below is a sample macro, when assigned as a startup macro, will present a dialog box prompting the user for credentials the first time it is run. The dialog box contains a save username and password option and also has the ability to handle invalid and expired passwords. With the save username and password option enabled, user credentials are written to the local registry (see below). Once these values are stored, the macro will attempt to read the values from the registry and pass them to the host for automatic login. If an invalid or expired password is sent, the user will be prompted to correct this situation and the new password will be saved to the registry.


Registry Key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings


Note: You will need to modify the below macro to handle each user's requirements differently. Also, each SendKeys and GetString command should be modified to match the screens from your host system.


Below is a sample PASSPORT macro that copies an area of text from one session, pastes it into a specific area of a second session, then issues an ENTER command:

Sub Main
  Dim objSys
  Dim objSess, objScr
  Dim strPasswd As String
  Dim strUser As String
  Dim bSavePasswd As Boolean
  Dim bFirstTry As Boolean
  Set objSys = CreateObject ("PASSPORT.SYSTEM")
  Set objSess = objSys.ActiveSession
  Set objScr = objSess.Screen
  bSavePasswd = True
  strUser = GetSetting ("PASSPORT", "Autologin", "username", "")
  strPasswd = GetSetting ("PASSPORT", "Autologin", "password", "")
  If strPasswd = "" Or strUser = "" Then
                Begin Dialog UserDialog 450,203 ' %GRID:10,7,1,1
                        Text 30,21,90,14,"User:"
                        Text 30,70,90,14,"Password:"
                        TextBox 30,42,290,20,.txtUser
                        TextBox 30,91,290,20,.txtPasswd,-1
                        CheckBox 30,133,270,14,"Save username and password",.chkSave
                        OKButton 30,168,110,21
                        CancelButton 310,168,110,21
                        PushButton 170,168,110,21,"Help",.btnHelp
                End Dialog
                Dim dlgPrompt As UserDialog
                dlgPrompt.txtUser = strUser
                dlgPrompt.txtPasswd = strPasswd
                ' turn on save settings
                dlgPrompt.chkSave = 1
                Dim rc As Integer
                        rc = Dialog( dlgPrompt )
                        ' help button
                        If rc = 1 Then
                                MsgBox "Enter your username and password."
                        End If
                        ' cancel button
                        If rc = 0 Then
                                Exit Sub
                        End If
                Loop While rc = 1 Or dlgPrompt.txtUser="" Or dlgPrompt.txtPasswd=""
                strUser = dlgPrompt.txtUser
                strPasswd = dlgPrompt.txtPasswd
                ' save username and password to registry
                If dlgPrompt.chkSave Then
                        SaveSetting( "PASSPORT", "Autologin", "username", strUser )
                        SaveSetting( "PASSPORT", "Autologin", "password", strPasswd )
                        bSavePasswd = False
                End If 
  End If
        objScr.SendKeys "tso<ENTER>"
        objScr.WaitHostQuiet 2000
        objScr.SendKeys strUser
        objScr.SendKeys "<ENTER>"
        objScr.WaitHostQuiet 2000
        objScr.SendKeys strPasswd
        objScr.SendKeys "<ENTER>"
        objScr.WaitHostQuiet 2000
        bFirstTry = True
        ' handle expired or wrong password
        If ( objScr.GetString(2, 12, 28) = "CURRENT PASSWORD HAS EXPIRED" Or _
                  objScr.GetString(2, 12, 34) = "PASSWORD NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USERID" ) Then
                strPasswd = HandleExpiredOrWrongPassword( objScr.GetString(2, 12, 34) )
                If ( strPasswd = "" ) Then            ' user cancelled
                Exit Sub
                End If
                objScr.SendKeys strPasswd
                objScr.SendKeys "<ENTER>"
                ' handle operator changed password
                If ( objScr.GetString(2, 12, 28) = "CURRENT PASSWORD HAS EXPIRED" And bFirstTry ) Then
                        bFirstTry = False
                        GoTo lbRetry
                End If
                ' send confirm password
                objScr.SendKeys strPasswd
                objScr.SendKeys "<ENTER>"
                objScr.WaitHostQuiet 2000
                ' save password
                SaveSetting( "PASSPORT", "Autologin", "password", strPasswd )
        End If
End Sub
Function HandleExpiredOrWrongPassword(szTitle) As String
        Begin Dialog UserDialog 450,175, szTitle ' %GRID:10,7,1,1
                Text 30,21,180,14,"New Password:"
                Text 30,70,220,14,"New Password Confirm:"
                TextBox 30,42,290,20,.txtPW,-1
                TextBox 30,91,290,20,.txtPW2,-1
                OKButton 30,140,110,21
                CancelButton 310,140,110,21
                PushButton 170,140,110,21,"Help",.btnHelp
        End Dialog
        Dim dlgPw As UserDialog
        Dim rc As Integer
        Dim bErr As Boolean
                bErr = False
                rc = Dialog( dlgPw )
                If rc = 1 Then                          ' help button
                        MsgBox "Enter your new password."
                ElseIf rc = 0 Then      '  cancel button
                        HandleExpiredOrWrongPassword = ""
                        Exit Function
                Else                            ' ok button
                        If dlgPw.txtPW <> dlgPw.txtPW2 Then
                                MsgBox "The two passwords you have entered are different."
                                bErr = True
                        ElseIf Len(dlgPw.txtPW) > 8 Or Len(dlgPw.txtPW)=0 Then
                                MsgBox "Password must be at lease one character and no more than 8 characters."
                                bErr = True
                        End If
                        ' add other checking of the password if necessary...
                End If
        Loop While rc = 1 Or bErr
        HandleExpiredOrWrongPassword = dlgPw.txtPW
End Function


More Information


macro, dialog, box, prompt, login, user, id, password, registry