PASSPORT Knowledge Base

Date Published: November 15, 2010


Non-Standard and Custom Screen Size Support for TN3270 and TN3270E Emulation



Emulation Types

TN3270, TN3270E


I need to configure my TN3270 display session for a non-standard custom screen size. Is this possible in PASSPORT?


Traditional IBM 3278 display stations (which many newer users have never seen) were available in several models, with each model supporting one or more fixed screen dimensions (Rows x Columns). The models and dimensions that were typically supported are Model 2 (24x80), Model 3 (32x80), Model 4 (43x80) and Model 5 (27x132). Today’s emulators like PASSPORT PC to Host do not have the hardware limitations of real 3278 display stations, and can therefore be configured for more productive screen sizes, such as 60x160. A screen dimension of 60x160 is particularly valuable when using today's larger monitors.


Rocket Software has released a patch for PASSPORT PC to Host Version 2010-514, which enables a user to specify a custom screen size appropriate for the application in use. You may customize the screen size when connecting to a TN3270 or TN3270E session. Other types of sessions, such as TN5250 and VT sessions, are not affected by this feature.


Download the Patch


How to Apply the Patch:

  1. Copy Passport.exe and Pass3270.dll from the downloaded patch file to the folder where PASSPORT PC to Host is installed and overwrite the existing files. The default location is: C:\Program Files\PASSPORT\.

    Note: it is recommended to make copies of the original files before overwriting in case you need to revert back to these for any reason.

  2. From the Communications®Setup menu command, configure your PASSPORT session to use Dynamic Screen Size:

  3. Modify the associated .ZCC configuration file to include the following parameters:


    For example, the following .ZCC file will support 80x160 screen size:

  4. Ensure that a logmode table capable of supporting dynamic screen sizes is used, such as D4C32XX3. This is often the default logmode table used by the TN3270E server, when selecting Model 3,4,5 or Dynamic terminals in the emulator. However, it may need to be overridden when logging on to the host application. For example with a USS Command similar to:


  5. It may also be necessary to customize the host application to effectively use the selected custom screen size.

    ISPF Example:

    ISPF supports non-standard screen sizes. It depends on the actual ISPF application whether the full advantage of additional rows and columns will be used. Many ISPF applications that use ISPF services like tables will use all of the rows available, whilst other ISPF applications like SDSF use dynamic areas and use all available rows and columns. ISPF file browse, edit and view can also take advantage of additional rows and columns depending on the data.

    For ISPF, you should review the Terminal Characteristics for “Screen Format” and “Terminal Type” on ISPF Option 0 – Terminal and user Parameters.

    On Screen Format: Option 3(Max) uses the full available dimensions all of the time, where Option 2(Data) will allow the screen to change from normal screen size to the customized alternate screen size based on the data being displayed.

More Information


Non-standard, custom, screen, size, configure, patch, dynamic