PASSPORT Knowledge Base

Date Published: October 12, 2004
Date Updated: March 3, 2008


Prevent Users From Changing Window Title



Emulation Types

TN3270, TN5250, VT, SCO ANSI, Wyse 60


I have a HLLAPI application that is dependant on the text that displays in the PASSPORT window title. For this reason I would like to make sure the window title does not change. Does PASSPORT have a configuration option to prevent users from changing the window title?


For PASSPORT PC to Host:

Yes, the Security Settings feature of PASSPORT may be used to disable the Options®Window Title menu command:

  1. Start a PASSPORT session.
  2. Choose the File®Security menu command.
  3. Select either the Display Session or Printer Session radio button depending on the type of session.
  4. Highlight Options under the Category list box.
  5. Under the Commands list box, make sure Window Title is unchecked:

  6. To prevent the user from modifying this setting, be sure to set a password.
  7. Click Save to save the Security Settings.

For PASSPORT Web to Host:

The Config Lock feature of PASSPORT may be used to disable the Options®Window Title menu command. This may be done at the session, user or group level.  


Follow the steps below to utilize this feature:


At the Session level:

  1. Create a new or open an existing session profile.
  2. Choose the Config Lock tab.
  3. Highlight Options under the Category list box.
  4. Under the Commands list box, make sure Window Title is unchecked:

  5. Click OK to save the session profile or Connect to test.

At the User level:

  1. Create a new or open an existing User.
  2. Choose the Config Lock tab.
  3. Make sure the Configuration Lock Type is set to User.
  4. Highlight Options under the Category list box.
  5. Under the Commands list box, make sure Window Title is unchecked:

  6. Click OK to save.

At the Group level:

  1. Create a new or open an existing Group.
  2. Choose the Config Lock tab.
  3. Highlight Options under the Category list box.
  4. Under the Commands list box, make sure Window Title is unchecked:

  5. Click OK to save.
  6. Make sure the user is a member of this group and the Configuration Lock Type is set to Group for the user.

More Information


window, title, enable, disable, security, config lock, hllapi