PASSPORT Knowledge Base
File Transfer - FTP

Date Published: March 25, 2008


Editing Host Profiles with a Text File




Is there a way I could access the connection profiles file as text for editing and saving, while not connected to Passport FTP.  The primary benefit would be the ability to insert new profile configurations from other profiles, email or server files.  Also, having a second or third workstation requires me to manually add all the profiles two and/or three times, rather than simply copying and pasting the entire profiles file (document or text) from a server (or migrated via diskette) to the appropriate root directory.


The configuration file for PASSPORT FTP Client is saved in your working directory, and is called ProfileName.zfc. The default profile name is Passport.zfc. The .zfc configuration file can be opened and edited with any text editor such as Notepad. Profiles can be added, edited or deleted by modifying the information highlighted below:


More Information


ftp, file transfer, default, text, edit, zfc, profile, add, delete