PASSPORT Knowledge Base
Launching PASSPORT Web to Host

Date Published: August 29, 2008


Starting a Session without the IE Toolbar


PASSPORT Web to Host

Emulation Types

TN3270, TN5250, VT, SCO ANSI, Wyse 60


I have followed the instructions for turning off toolbars, but when I disable the IE Toolbar, the administrator automatically disables the IE address bar and menu bar as well. What if I want to turn off the IE toolbar, but keep the IE menu bar and address bar?


You can launch a session with the IE Toolbar disabled and the IE menu bar and address bar enabled using JavaScript. The following is an example of an html page that uses JavaScript to launch a PASSPORT Web to Host session with the IE toolbar disabled:





<script language="JavaScript">


function LaunchNoToolbar()

   { ('http://localhost/pec/Ecomes.asp?sessionprofile=3270dsp/Sessions/SessionName', '_blank', config='toolbar=no')







<a href="javascript:LaunchNoToolbar()">Launch PASSPORT Session</a>














More Information


start, launch, session, IE, toolbar, menu bar, address bar